Fluoride is often called nature’s cavity fighter. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps prevent cavities in kids and grown-ups by making the outer surface of your teeth more resistant to acids that cause tooth decay.
How Does Fluoride Protect Teeth?
Fluoride benefits both children and adults.
Before teeth break through the gums, the fluoride taken in from foods, beverages and dietary supplements makes tooth enamel stronger, which makes it easier to fight tooth decay.
After teeth erupt, fluoride helps rebuild weakened enamel and can reverse early signs of tooth decay. When you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste, or use other fluoride dental products, the fluoride is applied to the surface of your teeth.
In addition, the fluoride you take in from foods and beverages continues to provide a topical benefit because it becomes part of your saliva, constantly bathing the teeth with tiny amounts of fluoride that help rebuild weakened tooth enamel.
How do we get Fluoride?
You can treat yourself with Fluoride every day as it is naturally found in most all water sources. Additionally, for the past 70 years, fluoride has been added to public water supplies to help combat tooth decay.
You can also use toothpaste and mouth rinses with fluoride. Here are some other things to do to protect your smile:
- Brush twice a day (morning and night).
- For children under 3 years old, start brushing their teeth as soon as they start to appear in the mouth by using toothpaste with fluoride, you don’t need a lot of toothpaste for tots, just a smear about the size of a grain of rice.
- For children 3 – 6 years old, a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste is plenty.
- Always watch your kids brushing to make sure they use the appropriate amount of toothpaste and try to get them to spit out most of the toothpaste.
- Talk to Dr. Bicknell before letting your kiddos use mouthwash. They are more likely to swallow mouthwash than spit it out at young ages.
Am I getting enough Fluoride?
Book an appointment and talk to Dr. Bicknell about what treatment options are appropriate for you. If needed, Dr. Bicknell can provide Fluoride Treatments in the office!